Cold Pressok 1
Cold Pressok 2
Saturday: 10 – 15h
Cold Pressok 3
Cold Pressok 4
064 227 2270
Saturday – Sunday: 10h – 22h
The information provided by Cold Pressok at this website or via its representatives of employees by phone, fax, e-mail or in some other manner, including links to and from this site, should not be perceived as a recommendation for any specific type of treatment, product, action or medical treatment. The provided information and offered cleansing methods should NOT have a purpose to and should not be used for a diagnosis, treatment, prevention or alleviation of diseases or medical conditions. Cold Pressok or their representatives and employees are there to help you choose a suitable “cleansing” method and do not provide medical advice on potential side effects. You make a decision based on the provided information and/or by ordering a product for body detox or some other product of Cold Pressok. Please consult your doctor before starting any cleansing process and/or purchasing any other product offered by Cold Pressok.